Our tenuous global savings system

Our tenuous global savings system

SA’s retirement environment is in flux, but for reasons other than those in the UK, says Rob Rose. Our increasingly precarious economy and the fact that so few people have enough retirement savings to begin with need addressing. The fright among pension funds is...
Delving into the unknown

Delving into the unknown

AMRI founder, Muitheri Wahome, ponders the steps retirement fund trustees should be considering right now. Many retirement fund boards of trustees are in the throes of revisiting or reviewing their fund asset allocation strategies as regulatory changes have increased...
Decoding the Akani “bribery” claims

Decoding the Akani “bribery” claims

By Rosemary Hunter The FSCA is investigating, Akani is appealing, and the retirement investment industry waits. The Chemical Industries National Provident Fund (CINPF) has a long and troubled history which, despite the efforts of its current board, it seems unable to...
Overhaul SA’s social security system

Overhaul SA’s social security system

By Ruan Jooste Three of the agencies – the UIF, Road Accident Fund, and Compensation Fund – face their own challenges. And unless a new cohesive system is implemented, this will put pressure on all private funds, including pensions and medical aids. SA’s system...